Get Slim Audiobook – Increase Motivation Decrease Weight


Discover a powerful self-help audio program designed to transform your mindset to overcome weight loss obstacles and develop a healthy relationship with food. This unique course features three specialized lessons: an intellectual mind instruction, an emotional mind instruction, and a guided relaxation experience.

In addition to using self-hypnosis, the program emphasizes easy-to-use strategies, positive thinking, affirmations, and attitude adjustments to create lasting change.

With daily use, you can expect significant improvements in your motivation and eating habits within weeks!


Additional information




Wayne June

Media Length

Approximately 54 minutes

Media Type

MP3 and PDF Guide



I love listening to this weird and wonderful CD! It is so unusual, very pleasant and most effective. The music is very different, it gives me images of traveling, peaceful gypsies; but I suspect it will give everyone different images and that’s what seems so wonderful about it, that so many different people could like it. I feel like I am listening to a story and in the story there are many different choices and I have the power to choose, and I want to choose healthy. Some of the actual words go something like this: ‘there’s a delicious candy bar and she reaches out and takes a (pause) healthy carrot’ ‘the old dog would eat and eat, but a kind soul feeds it carefully’.”

“I am fascinated by how wonderful and calm I feel after listening to this CD, I wonder if it has subliminal messages. It reminds me a little bit of how Jesus told parables in the Bible, though there are no direct religious messages. My Mom let me listen to her audio edition and I came here to order my own. My Mom and I are very different people in some ways so that’s why I think many different types of people would like it. I noticed there are other CD’s by this same author so I am going to try the one about positive thoughts because I think it will compliment “Get Slim”. I am trying to lose weight and these CD’s will be tools that I am going to use. Thank you to the makers, I hope more people will try them and enjoy them as much as my Mom and I do.


Your Get Slim CD is the best program on weight management I have ever heard. I really like how this program is focused on health and the sound of your voice.


The Get Slim tape really helps me stay focused on what I need to do to lose weight. I have already had significant success.


Your weight program Get Slim has been great. I really enjoyed listening to the tape and that has helped me a lot. I am winning my battle with cookies and cakes! I understand that I’m responsible now for caring for my body and I cannot allow myself to be a garbage can.

I have a friend who is a doctor who actually runs a weight loss clinic. He himself is nevertheless struggling with his own weight problem. I am going to tell him about you and recommend that he utilize your services. I don’t know if he’ll actually have the humility to come and see you, but you sure have helped me and I feel obligated to share with him my enthusiasm for your program.


I want to give you some feedback on my husband and the weight loss program Get Slim. He has been greatly helped by this. Not only has he lost weight but he is also becoming much more active in sports. He is much happier now and he has made several strides forward beyond just losing weight. Thank you very much for your help.


It’s about time. I’ve been overweight for years now, switching from one diet to another without success blaming the diet. I didn’t realize that my real problem was I didn’t have the motivation I needed to pursue my diet. With this program I am now on my way to becoming the woman I really want to be! Thank you!

abe kass
Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for twenty-five-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!

book author and marriage therapist abe kassProfessional Therapist Abe Kass MA RSW RMFT
Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for twenty-five-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!