Know The Truth About All Things
Jewish Marriage presents the ‘truth’ about Jewish marriage sexuality. This truth has, unfortunately, been censored for hundreds of years. I believe this was done so the Jewish approach seems more aligned with Christian sentiments.
The Jewish approach to sexuality is crucial to marriage happiness and success. Lax application of it has caused unhappiness, injury, and divorce for many couples. Correcting these errors and censorship is urgent. Replacing them with Torah truth will help all Jewish couples.
The following letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe concerns masturbation. He explains that today’s situation requires a unique solution to this problem.
The Rebbe’s letter serves as a justification and speaks to the need to openly address previously avoided topics. I hope that addressing the topic of Jewish sexuality within marriage and other topics will prevent sin and harm.

Note: Excerpts loosely translated from the original Hebrew letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe written in 1954 to a Rabbi and author, Ageres, Kodesh, vol 9, page 24:
Hello and blessings!
…[Regarding the sin of masturbation and the means to recover from this]
…Although it is not common to print special books explaining the cause of this sin or to discuss it openly and publicly,… [as] the thought and fear of sin can naturally lead to a bad effect…
In this country [USA], there has been a significant increase in known incidents of this sin, and some doctors, who disregard sacred laws and permit what is forbidden, are instructing people to commit and regularly perform this sin. They even mock those who refrain from it and explain that it is not only permissible but also considered a meritorious act.
To add to all this, no one speaks out or protests, nor do they explain how it destroys the body and soul and leads to the loss of life… It is crucial to print and publicize the severity of this sin and to specifically talk about it to save the souls of young Jewish men from harm.