Welcome to the Jewish Marriage Self-Help Book Store

Hi, this is Rabbi Kass. My books provide the ‘guidance’ — you provide the ‘practice.’
Just as physical exercise improves your muscles, so too, with guidance and practice, you CAN build your emotional muscles — you can improve your attitude and behavior for increased relationship success

Learn more about our publishing house: GoSmartLife Publishers.

relationship self-help online courses

Courses (Coming Soon)

abe kass

Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for thirty-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!

book author and marriage therapist abe kassProfessional Therapist Abe Kass MA RSW RMFT

Abe has helped thousands of individuals, couples, and families for twenty-five-plus years. When it comes to relationship expertise — Abe is the real deal and can be trusted!