Beware of false marriage prophets!

Years ago, a lawyer hired me to write a report on behalf of his client. After extensive research and investigation, I concluded that his client was not guilty as charged. However, since the crime involved injury to police officers, the lawyer I worked with decided not to use my report. He preferred to stay in the government’s good graces rather than fulfill his professional and moral obligation to his client.

When it comes to marriage advice, we, too, should not be ‘bribed’ by personal or social pressures to disregard the teachings of our Torah. Sadly, some people present as Torah Jews and marriage experts. Yet, they spread ideas that are the opposite of the Torah’s. In my practical experience working with individuals and couples for over 30 years, the Torah’s advice is the most useful and practical. And all secular wisdom that is of value and true, can be found in the Torah. And if it is not there, it is harmful. Beware of false prophets!

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