A Man Without a Wife!

There are two types of men who are alone: 

1. The man who lives alone without a partner.

2. The man who lives with a woman but has no peace.

Some single men will claim they do not need a partner; they are happy living alone. They describe themselves as a single musical instrument that plays beautifully by themselves. Unfortunately, such a man is fooling himself.

A man without a wife is like a musician with a broken instrument! A man without a wife is incomplete and misses out on blessings, happiness, and success.

A Man Without a Wife

The most tragic man without a wife is the man who has a female partner he lives with who is not his wife! They live under the same roof; they may even raise their children together. However, they are not together. They lack peace and harmony between themselves. They live polarized and separate from one another.

I know of such a man who has lived many years separated from his wife. Together, they only fight and insult one another and must live in separate homes. He claims he is happy living alone. Yet, his son has told me he is always sad and anxious. Although he is financially very successful and has also been successful in politics, he does not feel worthy of even wearing a suit during the day. Instead, he dresses in ordinary work clothes and drives a dilapidated truck. Despite what he claims, he is sad and miserable.

A true marriage is not an automatic result of two people living under the same roof. Rather, it is an inner harmony between a man and a woman called shalom bayis.

Shalom bayis, peace and harmony in the home, occurs when two individuals, each with unique male and female characteristics, unify into a singular entity, forming, in essence, the complete and perfect human being.

A man in a Shalom Bayis relationship is a man living in happiness.

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